NTFS permissions for Citrix Roaming Profiles on share folder hosting profiles
Set these permissions on the root of a profile share to enable it for roaming profile storage. When Windows creates a new roaming profile it acts on behalf of the user, it “impersonates” that user. Therefore we must make sure that on the one hand each user may create new folders while on the other hand ensuring that each user may access only his own profile folder. These permissions apply both to traditional Windows roaming profiles as well as to the user store where Citrix Profile Management keeps its profiles. NTFS permissions: Administrators: full control SYSTEM: full control Authenticated users: list folder/read data & create folders/append data, this folder only Creator/Owner: full control, subfolders and files only Everyone: change Administrators: full control Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile Folders in Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ System \ User Profiles Disabling this check speeds up logons slight...