How to Make StoreFront the Default Page within IIS

Complete the following steps to make a Storefront Web Site the default page within the IIS site:
1.     Copy the following text in a Notepad:
2.     <script type="text/javascript">
3.     <!--
4.     window.location="/Citrix/StoreWeb";
5.     // -->
- Replace /Citrix/StoreWeb to the correct path to your Store’s Web Site, if required.
- For HTTPS connection, use “https://<SF-BaseURL>/Citrix/StoreWeb” instead of using the syntax “/Citrix/StoreWeb”.
6.      Select File Save As and browse to the IIS folder, by default the C:\inetpub\wwwroot is the IIS folder.
7.      Select Save as type to All types.
8.      Type a file name with an html extension, and select Save.

9.     Open IIS Manager.
10.  Select the SERVERNAME node (top-level) and double-click Default Document, as displayed in the following screen shot:

11.  Click Add…, and type the file name of the .html file provided in Step 4.

12.  Ensure the .html file is located at the top of the list, as displayed in the following screen shot:

13.  Open the command prompt and run the following command:


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